Un alt roman ratacit in lumea larga!

Another Romaian Lost in the Big wide World

Sa fii self-employed in UK…

Nu e usor sa fi self-employed in Anglia!Nici nu am crezut sa fie foarte usor,insa in comparatie cu Spania,care merge pe acelasi sistem numit Autonomo,este mult mai greu.Este greu sa iti gasesti de lucru,este greu sa astepti dupa NINO(CNP pentru Anglia l-am numit eu) intre 3 si 8 luni ,timp in care poti lucra …daca cineva te baga in seama!

Din punct de vedere legal,poti sa lucrezi ca self-employed ,dar pe de alta parte Biroul de Taxe si Impozite are legi foarte scary iar agentiile nu mai au curaj sa dea de lucru celor veniti de afara ,fie ei si legali in Anglia.Cand spun ”celor veniti de afara ” ma refer la romani si bulgari!

Am cumparat ziarele cu oferte de munca,(si sunt multe oferte),am completat formulare si am asteptat raspunsuri…de geaba…raspunsul este ”ne pare rau ,dar nu mai putem accepta self-employed person…”.La capatul rabdarilor,am reusit sa gasesc ceva,si apoi altceva…si uite asa am inceput sa ma descurc…

Profesorii incearca sa iti descoase copilu,doar-doar vor gasi ceva impotriva ta ,atat cat sa te deporteze-si este de ajuns sa afle ca sta copilul singur acasa cat tu esti la servici,sau sa auda ca esti vizitat des de prieteni romani,lucru care va fi interpretat ca stati mai multi in casa …la Taxe aproape ca esti intrebat si cate role de hartie igienica folosesti…te duci la Job Centre sau Home Office (depinde cat de mare e orasul)pentru  interviul pentru obtinerea NINO,iar dupa o saptamana primesti scrisoare de la HM Revenue ca nu iti este permis sa soliciti ajutoare guvernamentale,si daca se repeta te vor deporta!Pentru mine a fost un adevarat soc pentru ca nu am solicitat nimic,insa am inteles foarte repede ca cei de la Home Office iti insceneaza tot ce se poate ca de,romanul este prost si nu stie sistemul!Ete ca nu le-a mers ,ca m-am sesizat la timp!Dar cu cati le-o fi mers?!

Dupa 7 luni de stat in Anglia am ajuns la concluzia ,ca desi tara asta nu a fost niciodata sub ocupatie comunista,se arata a fi mai rau! Argumente in aceasta privinta mi-au fost aduse si de cetateni englezi,englezii emigreaza iar noi ne intrebam de ce naiba pleaca fraierii din tara lor ,ca doar nu o duc mai rau decat noi in Romania ca sa isi paraseasca tara!Eh,acum stiu …

May 14, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE) | , , , , , | 6 Comments

Re:Interviu sau Interogatoriu? SEN

Special Education Needs- Code of Practice- CLICK TO READ OFFICIAL DOCUMENT


March 18, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE) | Leave a comment

Interviu sau interogatoriu?!!/

Copiii straini care frecventeaza cursurile scolare  din Anglia sunt evaluati,dupa  o anumita perioada de timp,pentru a fi stabilit nivelul limbii engleze pentru copiii respectivi.

  In prima zi de scoala  este verificat copilul daca vorbeste limba engleza catusi de putin sau  daca nu arecunostinte de limba engleza.Daca nu are cunostinte despre aceasta limba sau nu o stapaneste bine ,copilul este inclus in programul Copii cu nevoi speciale(Special Needs). Acest program presupune ore suplimentare pentru limba engleza.Dupa o anumita perioada copilul este evaluat printr-un interviu(English Assesment-nu stiu daca am scris corect),care consta intr-o mini-conversatie purtata de un specialist lingvist.Evaluarea se repeta dupa o perioada scurta sau dupa o perioada mai lunga de timp,depinde de capacitatea copilului.Toate bune si frumoase pana aici.Problema este ca , majoritatea parintilor nu stiu  ca scoala trebuie sa implice si  parintii in aceasta evaluare .Este optional,dar exista aceasta optiune.Totodata scoala trebuie sa anunte parintii cand are loc aceasta evaluare si sa trimita o copie a raportului incheiat in urma fiecarui interviu.

 In cazul meu,nu am fost anuntata si nu am stiut ca asa trebuie sa decurga lucrurile.Intr-una din aceste zile fetita mea imi spune ca a avut English Assesment,insa ei i s-a parut English Interogation! Ea a mai avut o evaluare  intr-o scoala anterioara ,si a putut face deosebirea intre cele doua evaluari.,si,inspirata a scris cu pixul ,in palma,numele profesoarei .

Profesoara trimisa de Primaria orasului a inceput sa o descoase pe fetita mea in cate tari am mai fost eu,cate limbi vorbesc,de ce am fost plecata daca am fost plecata,cate camere avem,de ce am venit aici ,sa descrie casa in care locuieste.,cate persoane mai locuiesccu noi,a atentionat-o ca trebuie sa raspunda corect caci vom fi vizitati acasa de persoane autorizate…cu alte cuvinte au fost intrebari gen Asistenta sociala,nicidecum o mica conversatie pentru evaluare.

 Prietenul meu,fiind englez,a pus mana pe telefon si a verificat daca a fost trimis cineva pentru evaluare,apoi a cerut informatii privind intrebarile care se pun in aceste evaluari.Nu am fost surprinsa cand am aflat ca,conversatia dintre copil si specialist trebuie sa se regaseasca in intrebari referitoare la scoala,prieteni,muzica,povestiri,basme…

  Ziua urmatoare,surpriza!Profesoara respectiva ne cauta la telefon si incepe sa se scuze ca a intrecut masura (desi noi nu am facut nici o plangere,si nici nu am dat detalii despre cele intamplate in ziua anterioara).

Dupa cateva zile, am trecut pe la scoala am cerut o intalnire cu Comunity Head Teacher al scolii.Am  facut plangere impotriva acestei profesoare pentru violarea intimitatii familiare.Scoala ,cazand de acord cu mine , a anuntat forumurile superioare(de fata cu mine).

In speranta ca pot avertiza si alti parinti (din Anglia) voi publica pasajele mai importante din SEN ,referitoare la limitele profesorilor trimisi pentru  evaluarea copilului  in Eng. Ass.

March 15, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE) | 2 Comments

Re:inregistrare self-employed on-line

           In data de 05.03  am postat un articol cu privire la inregistrarea on-line.Link-ul este valabil numai ca timpul de astepatre este intre 3 si 5 saptamani!Te poti inregistra si la telefon 08459 15 45 15  ,timpul de asteptare micsorandu-se la 3  saptamani.In acest timp, biroul va trimite persoanei inregistrate  UTR-ul(Unic Tax Reference) care este un NINO temporar,fiind inlocuit mai tarziu de NINO.

March 12, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE) | Leave a comment

ID Cards: National Identity Scheme delivery plan is published

 Anglia isi ia masuri de precautie in privinta emigrarilor?  

”Plan for ID cards announced

6 March 2008

The Home Secretary has announced details of the plan for a system of national ID cards.

Plans for a system of national identity cards gathered momentum today, as the Home Secretary revealed the schedule for release of the cards. 

Foreign residents first

The first people to get ID cards will be non-EEA foreign nationals living in the UK. They will begin carrying cards in November of this year.

The roll-out will start with people historically most likely to abuse the system – including people living here on student visas or marriage visas.

Those issued with cards will be fingerprinted, and the card will contain details of their immigration status. The card will also indicate whether they are allowed to work or access benefits, and how long their visa allows them to stay in the country.

Within three years all foreign nationals applying to enter or extend their stay in the UK will be issued a card. The plan calls for 90% of foreign nationals to have the cards by 2015.

Some UK citizens will be issued cards in 2009

Next year ID cards will also be issued to some UK citizens. The first cards will go to people with sensitive jobs where verification of identity is needed to ensure public protection. The first group likely to receive cards will be those working in airports.

From 2010, young people will be able to volunteer to have ID cards to help them prove their identity as they open their first bank account, take out a student loan or start employment. Later that year the scheme will be opened to voluntary applicants of any age.

From 2011, all passport applicants will also be automatically registered for ID cards when they apply for new biometric passports containing fingerprints. They will be able to choose whether to have a passport, an ID card or both.  This will speed the roll-out, and could result in savings of around £1bn.

Secure and verified

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said the cards will ensure that, ‘for the first time, UK residents will have a single way to secure and verify their identity. 

‘We will be able to better protect ourselves and our families against identity fraud, as well as protecting our communities against crime, illegal immigration and terrorism. And it will help us to prove our identity in the course of our daily lives – when travelling, for example, or opening a bank account, applying for a new job, or accessing government services.’ 

She added, ‘I want as many people as possible to enjoy the two key benefits of the National Identity Scheme – improved protection and greater convenience. And I want them to be able to choose how they participate in the Scheme as well – whether to have a passport or an ID card or both – so that they can enjoy its benefits as quickly as possible.’

Small amount of data to be held

The National Identity Register will hold a small amount of personal biographic details separately from biometric fingerprints and photographs, making it incredibly difficult for anyone to steal or exploit another’s identity. 

The government has already proved its ability to build a sound foundation for the National Identity Scheme. Fingerprinting is already required for visa applicants to the UK, and over ten million British e-passports have been issued since the end of 2006, containing an encrypted digital version of the holder’s personal details and a photograph on a secure chip.”

 Sursa Home Office          http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk

March 8, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Hot news in East England, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE) | , | Leave a comment

Student in East England

East England University


Founded in 1963 the University of East Anglia (UEA) is a beautiful 270 acre campus University, only 90 minutes or so from London and located two and half miles away from the medieval city of Norwich. UEA enjoys an international reputation in diverse areas: film studies, creative writing and the pioneering groupings for which we are famous, such as environmental sciences, development studies and world art studies.

Rated 23rd in the Times Good University Guide 2007, our degree courses cover a broad spectrum, including natural sciences, social sciences and the arts, with many in the top ten amongst independent rankings for teaching and research. In the first ever National Student Survey in 2005, the University was placed in the top three for student satisfaction. It was also shortlisted for the university of the year by the influential Sunday Times newspaper.
Entry requirements
For details of the entry requirements to the wide range of courses that UEA offers, please go to our website at www.uea.ac.uk/international for further information.
Student life
The Dean of Students’ Office has overall responsibility for the general well-being of students and organises a reception and introductory programme for new students arriving at the beginning of the autumn and spring semesters. The Office also helps students to adjust to life at UEA and offers general advice and assistance. There is a health centre on campus with doctors, a dentist, a psychiatrist and counsellors, as well as a ‘Nightline’ run by the Students’ Union. The on-campus chaplaincy centre is for people of any faith.There is a worship room for Muslims and in the city there are Anglican and Roman catholic cathedrals and places of worship for Jews, Muslims and Buddhists. The University runs a careers service with five full-time advisors. We offer one of the best venues in East Anglia for big live bands, the LCR, while the Students’ Union runs a smaller venue which is good for local and less mainstream bands.There are over 100 societies at the University, including law, drama, film, art and music as well as a number of sporting clubs including football, rugby, hockey, cricket and martial arts.
The university library is open seven days a week during semester time and provides more than 800,000 volumes of books and journals, an extensive audio and visual collection, a large number of networked PCs available 24 hours a day as well as a wireless network service for laptop users.

In addition to top quality academic facilities, the University of East Anglia has invested over £300m in recent years to provide leading edge academic, social and sporting facilities. It boasts a £17.6 m Sportspark with Olympic-size swimming pool, over 3000 residences on campus and is host to events including an international literary festival and the BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science) Festival of Science as well as high-quality lectures and conferences. Other Campus facilities include a supermarket, newsagent and post office, a travel shop, three banks and two bookshops as well as a launderette, offering students all the essentials for daily living right on their doorstep. The campus is also home to the stunning Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts which houses the Sainsbury family art collection and is home to the school of World Art Studies and Museology.

The combination of natural beauty and architectural flair makes UEA a special place to live, from the pyramid-shaped ziggurats of Norfolk and Suffolk Terrace, to the award- winning environmentally friendly Constable Terrace and Nelson Court. With over 3000 rooms on campus, the university is able to offer high quality accommodation in many newly built residences, most with en-suite facilities. Single accommodation is guaranteed to all full-time international students. For home and EU undergraduate students, accommodation is guaranteed for the first year of study. Please visit our accommodation website for further information.
Tuition fees and funding 
UEA provides its international students with over 1 million pounds each year through the International Scholarship Fund. Merit based scholarships of approximately 10% of the tuition fee are awarded by the schools each year, with outstanding candidates being considered for prestigious faculty scholarships of up to 50%. The annual tuition fees for the academic year 2006/2007 are a minimum £8,700 for arts and social sciences based courses and £11,300 for science based courses. To be considered for a scholarship, you must first apply for one of our programmes. For postgraduate study, please go to: www.uea.ac.uk/international and for undergraduate study please go to: www.uea.ac.uk/admissions/ug_admissions.htm
Teaching and assessment
Since our foundation in 1963, we have established a reputation as an internationally recognised centre for teaching and research that we maintain by selecting the most able and dedicated students from around the UK and the world. The majority of our Schools of Study that have undergone independent teaching quality assessments by the Quality Assurance Agency have received ‘excellent’ ratings and we have achieved outstanding recognition in the fields of American Studies, Business Management, Social Work, Development Studies, Environmental Sciences, Law and Politics.With regards to research, UEA has top-rated departments in: Environmental Science, Biological Sciences, Education, History, Social Work, Pure Mathematics and Communications and Media Studies. Our famous research centre and links to the Norwich Research Park make us an important national and international centre for research in a number of areas.
Nearest town/city: Norwich
Nearest international airport: Norwich International
Nearest railway station: Norwich Station

March 7, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE), Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Inregistrare la Medicul de Familie in Anglia!

    Register with family doctor in England pentru romani

    Astazi m-am inregistrat la un dispensar (Surgery),si eu si fetita mea. Nu a fost complicat ,nu costa nimic ,doar sunt de completat doua formulare de persoana(una pentru NHS si una pentru doctor).NHS-national  health  service-

Intrebarile din formular sunt intrebari generale,cum te numesti,varsta ,daca faci exercitii fizice si ce anume(sport),daca manaci sanatos si daca ai avut complicatii sau ai alergii sau daca suferi de o boala ; daca ai avut medic de familie in Anglia la o adresa anterioara!  🙂

Intr-o saptamana, sau mai putin, vei primi acasa un card pentru sanatate trimis prin posta,care este util la doctor,dentist sau spital. Pe acesT card va fi tiparit si numarul personal de sanatate pentru Anglia. (NHS-number)

March 5, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE), Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Inregistrare self-employed on-line in Anglia


self employed Anglia      

 Inregistrarea ca self-employed on-line te scuteste de o gramada de nervi si timp pierdut ,pentru ca multe birouri te plimba de la Iafa la Caiafa!Totodata se poate obtine si NINO( un fel de CNP pentru Anglia,asigurare).Mai mult de atat este gratuit si ,daca se citeste cu atentie formularul ,poti vedea ca ai si alte posibilitati(partener in afacerea ta sau daca poti angaja … sau cel putin poti obtine INFORMATIA).

   Bafta multa si sa auzim numai de bine!

Intr-un viitor articol voi posta ce inseamna sa fi  Student in Anglia (ca student roman) si ce posibilitati ai avea aici  ca student!

March 5, 2008 Posted by | Emigrare in Anglia, Introduction to the UK, Romani&Bulgari muncind si traind in UK (LEGISLATIE), Uncategorized | , , , | 4 Comments